The Rocky Flats Downwinders & High Level Health
What Is Rocky Flats?
Rocky Flats refers to a 6,200-acre area near Arvada, CO, which used to operate as Nuclear Weapons Plant. It is recognized as one of the nation’s most polluted places because of the waste left behind from the production of plutonium triggers and nuclear bombs throughout the Cold War.
The plant closed in 1989 and the cleanup on the main plant (384-acres out of 6,200-acres) was originally forecasted to take 70 years and cost $36 billion dollars. However, the cleanup was completed in 10 years and cost about $7 billion dollars. The buffer zone around the plant has never been properly cleaned up and is now acting as a Wildlife Refuge. There are even talks of turning it into a recreation area. The post-closure management is currently being overseen by the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council, a group overseen by the Department of Energy.
There are many non-government groups that have formed following the closure of the plant, like Rocky Flats Right To Know and the Rocky Flats Downwinders. These groups are working to bring attention to the area and to bring relief to those already experiencing the effects of living close to nuclear waste.
Who Are The Rocky Flats Downwinders?
The Rocky Flats Downwinders are a group of Colorado residents who are bringing attention to the issues that are still present at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Site. The term “Downwinder” refers to any person who is living downwind from a nuclear test site, weapons plant, or reactor, where the risk from fallout or radiation leaks is the greatest.
This community organization was founded in 2015 and gained 501(C)(3) status in 2017. The group was brought together through a common concern over the high rates of illness seen in those who were currently living or had previously lived in Arvada, Thorton, Broomfield, and the surrounding areas. The main goals of the Rocky Flats Downwinders “are to bring about awareness of Rocky Flats in order to educate the community, to sensitize medical professionals regarding potential adverse health effects suffered by Downwinders, and to offer supportive services for Downwinders.”
In 2017, the Rocky Flats Downwinders began working with Metropolitan State University’s Integrative Health Program in an attempt to create a comprehensive health survey of the Rocky Flats area. Unfortunately, in 2018 the group was informed that Metropolitan State would no longer facilitate the health survey. This year, The Rocky Flats Downwinders are at it again and working on a community-driven health survey with the help of Dr. Sasha Stiles and Nurse Shaunessy McNelley from Physicians for Social Responsibility.
High Level Health & The Rocky Flats Downwinders
One of our Senior Growers, Tiffany, is currently the director of the Rocky Flats Downwinders. Being passionate about both the Rocky Flats issue and cannabis, Tiffany brought her involvement in The Rocky Flats Downwinders to the attention of our Operations Manager and Head Breeder.
Together, Tiffany and our Head Breeder spearheaded a project to create a new cannabis strain named Rocky Flats. This strain was specifically bred to have high levels of both THC and CBD, making it a more medicinal, healing strain. This strain is ideal for those who use cannabis medicinally, but it also provides a very mellow, relaxed experience for those who are recreational users.
While the strain Rocky Flats is medicinal itself, having it in our strain catalog allows us to start the conversation and plant seeds of curiosity in the minds of our customers. Our goal with this strain is to raise awareness about The Rocky Flats Nuclear Site and to help provide relief to those experiencing the effects of living close to the Rocky Flats area.
The strain Rocky Flats is a cross between C4 and Mimosa. The flavor profile has orange candy, hashy fuel, and earthy notes. The high is very even and functional because of the CBD content. The CBD in this strain will inhibit some of the psychoactive effects of the THC, allowing both to act more medicinally. It provides a very relaxing body high, while not gluing you to the couch. Currently, the strain Rocky Flats has very limited availability. Check our Leafly menus to see if any of our locations currently have it in stock!